July 20, 2020 UPDATE: We are officially open again for business with in-store shopping! We are operating at 50% capacity and following stringent safety protocols. Masks are required to enter our store and we have several hand sanitizer stations. All garments will be steamed after they have been tried…
On Saturday, January 21st, Malin, Nova and two other members of our staff joined the millions of women (and male allies) who attended the Women’s March on Washington D.C. The experience of be surrounded by so many people peacefully protesting & demanding equal rights for everyone was overwhelmingly powerful for us…
We have been long-time residents of Williamsburg and over the years, we’ve compiled a list of tried & true favorites with some local flavor. (W-burg residents, stay tuned for another story to come soon with recommendations for other things such as shoemakers, tailors, health practitioners, & where to work out.) Restaurants…